Find your family here!
Lacey Presbyterian Church (LPC) is a warm, loving, and happy group of people who love Christ. We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at LPC a great one.
Service Time
Sunday Morning
10:00 am
LPC's worship service is offered both in-person and online. The service starts at 10:00 am each Sunday in the sanctuary where you are welcome to join us in person. If you are travelling or wish to watch from the comfort of home, our service is live-streamed starting at 9:55 am each Sunday on our Watch Live page.
Our adult education classes and activities before and after the service are slowly returning. Stay tuned for more details on these opportunities to become more involved with our ministries at LPC. We will always have a cup of coffee for you to enjoy during our fellowship time after the service.
What to Expect
In total, a service at LPC is about 60 minutes in length. Services begin with a welcome, and our praise band leads the church in music singing a variety of contemporary praise songs and traditional hymns. Song lyrics are projected on the screens so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable. After the music portion of service is complete, our pastor will share an inspirational and thought-provoking, Bible-based message that applies the Word of God to your life today in understandable and practical ways.
What's the Atmosphere Like?
Sundays at LPC are exciting, casual, and relaxed. Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as our guest.
What About My Kids?
We believe every child should experience Christ’s love in a tangible way. Faith begins at the earliest levels, even before we are aware of it, so we make your child’s spiritual development our priority. We also believe that church should be fun for kids so they will want to come each week. Of course, we take their safety very seriously and have emergency protocols in place, even though we have never needed to use them.
On Sunday mornings, the nursery is open for children birth through prekindergarten. Elementary school aged kids are invited downstairs for Sunday School midway through the Sunday service. Twice a month, we offer a short message just for them during the service before they are invited to Sunday School. This special Sunday school program is taught by trained volunteer adults in our congregation who are prepared for emergency situations, and have hearts for teaching your children in exciting and relatable ways.
On Sunday mornings, the nursery is open for children birth through prekindergarten. Elementary school aged kids are invited downstairs for Sunday School midway through the Sunday service. Twice a month, we offer a short message just for them during the service before they are invited to Sunday School. This special Sunday school program is taught by trained volunteer adults in our congregation who are prepared for emergency situations, and have hearts for teaching your children in exciting and relatable ways.
LPC Weekly Newsletter
If you would like to receive our weekly newsletter sent out via email (or snail-mail if needed), please submit your request to so we can put you on the mailing list.