
Barbara Ball
Carol Benson
Mary Crooks
Kae Ecklebarger
Doug Karman
Pete Keese
Bill Lathrop
 Jan Lauterbach
Carol Ortiz
Bill Stutz
Darren Sumner
Jerry Tucker

 Guided by the church constitution, the session is charged with caring for the spiritual well-being of the congregation and overseeing the business of the church. Together the session elders and pastors work to meet the congregation's needs.
Elders are typically nominated by the Nominating Council elected by the congregation, trained for their ministry, and then ordained to their office in a worship service.
Terms are for 3-years and may be extended to a second term.

Each elder participates in 1 or 2 ministry teams but isn't required to lead that team.  Committees meet monthly.
Congregational members are encouraged to be involved in the work of a committee that interests them. This is one of the best ways to become connected with and get to know other members of the church. To learn more, reach out to an elder, contact the pastors, or the church office.
We're eager to help you find a place to belong and to serve with us.

Ministry Teams

Building & Grounds
  • Overall maintenance of building and property
Finance & Stewardship
  • Responsible for overseeing the books of the church, counting offering, and overseeing the financial status of the church
Hospitality & Fellowship
  • Plan and coordinate all church activities and special events as well as activities to witness to the community
Mission & Outreach
  • Oversee both local and global mission opportunities for the congregation and partner with ministry teams to reach out to the wider Lacey/Olympia/Tumwater community.
  • Plan and coordinate programs, education, and ministry  of children,  youth, families,  and adults. Also oversee the church library
  • Responsible for relationships between staff and congregation, and personnel reviews.
  • Plan and coordinate special and regular worship services
Clerk of Session
  • Responsible for the recording session meetings and maintaining records of the church
  • Clerk: Sandy Romberger