
Lindy Carlson
Diana Kirkbride
Kay McCarty
Carol Merritt
Beverly Mustard
Joyce North
Kathy Northcutt
Stephen Northcutt
Judy Roberts
Teri Smith

Deacon Ministry
Deacons are called to a ministry of “compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress"

Deacon Ministries

Parish Ministry
  • Each regular attendee and church member is assigned a Deacon to serve as their contact with LPC. 
  • Each Deacon has a parish of 15-18 members, who are regularly contacted personally and with cards.
  • The Board of Deacons and their current parish members are shown on the Deacon Board in Dawson Hall.
Prayer Ministry
  • Deacons continually pray for members of their parish and the congregation at large. 
  • If you would like your Deacon to support you in prayer during a time of difficulty or to celebrate a 'praise', contact your Deacon or the church office.
Deacon Fund Ministry
  • The Deacons of LPC provide short-term emergency financial assistance for members experiencing difficulties, meeting life-essential needs such as food, shelter, clothing and medical care. 
  • Each request is carefully considered on a case-by-case basis.  All discussions and decisions are confidential. 
  • Members of LPC should contact the pastoral staff or a Deacon.  A request box is in the narthex.
Military Ministry
  • LPC feels that it is important to honor and remember those in our church family who are currently serving in the armed forces, as well as parishioners who are former servicemen and servicewomen. 
  • The Deacons keep the Wall of Honor information current as well as keeping in close contact with military members and their families.
Hospital Ministry
  • Deacons visit (when allowed) and provide a devotional book and prayers for parishioners who are hospitalized.
Shawl Ministry
  • When a member is ill and in need of comfort, the Deacon will give them a handmade shawl or lap robe to use as a sense of warmth and God's presence in their time of need.
Newborn Welcome Ministry
  • When a family has a baby, their Deacon welcomes the child with a handmade quilt and a flower on the communion table.
Memorial Reception Ministry
  • On the death of a church member or family member, the Deacons arrange the reception that follows the Celebration of Life service.

Deacon Q&A's

Q. How do I know if I have a Deacon?
A. Check the Deacon/Parish board in Dawson Hall. If you have been assigned to a parish, you can expect your Deacon to make an introductory contact with you and check in with you 3-4 times a year.

Q. When should I call my Deacon?
A. If there is a change in your family, such as a birth of a child or the death of a loved one, call your Deacon. If you are overwhelmed by a situation and need some help, call your Deacon. If you desire prayer support, or simply have a question about an event or worship service, call your Deacon. With your permission, your Deacon will pass along your news or need to the appropriate person or ministry for follow-up.

Q. Can I be a Deacon?
A. We would love to talk with you to help you discern your sense of call to this important ministry. Our hope for you is that you will not only find a place to care for others with the love of Christ, but that you will experience that same love and care yourself. Please talk with Pastor Rachel or Pastor Josh if you are interested.