A Dark Night in the Garden

Children's Sunday School | At-home Resources
April 3: Read or watch the story A Dark Night in the Garden| Jesus Storybook Bible | page 294
This story is about Jesus praying in the garden the night he was arrested. It is a sad part of the story, but it doesn't end here. There is a celebration coming...

Talk about these questions:
  • What was Jesus going to take into his own heart, to get rid of the poison and everything that had gone wrong?
  • After Jesus had prayed, what did he say to God that he would do?
  • What do we learn about Jesus from this story?

Download the Handout.

GO DEEPER (for older kids)!
Read this story in the Bible: Luke 22; Mark 14; John 18
Thank you God, for your great rescue plan. Thank you, Jesus that you loved me so much and took all the brokenness and sadness on yourself. Help me to love you more each day. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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