Running Away!

Children's Sunday School | At-home Resources
March 13: Read or watch the story Running Away!| Jesus Storybook Bible | page 272
Talk about these questions:
  • How did the father feel when the son left?
  • What did the son do with his money? What happened when he ran out of money?
  • What did the father do when he saw the son coming home?
  • What do we learn about God from this story?

Download the handout.

GO DEEPER (for older kids)!
Read this story in the Bible: Luke 15
Dear God, Like the son in the story, we sometimes feel that we would be happier without you and sometimes run away. Thank you that you always forgive us and love us even when we make mistakes. Thank you that you are like the father in the story -- that you always love us and are always bringing us home to you.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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