The Light of the Whole World
Children's Sunday School | At-home Resources
December 19: Read or watch the story The Light of the Whole World | Jesus Storybook Bible | page 184

Let's Go Deeper! (for older kids)
Read in the Bible: Luke 2
Consider these questions:
Consider these questions:
- What happened in the night sky?
- What did people think about shepherds?
- What did God think about them?
- What was the good news and who was it for?
- Where did they find the promised child?
Praying through this story
Thank you God that you told this amazing news to the shepherds first, showing them that you thought they were important, even if other people didn't. Thank you that you also tell us that we are important, even if we don't feel like it sometimes. Thank you for the Good News about your rescue plan. This news is for everyone everywhere, which means it is good news for me too. Jesus, my rescuer, the Light of the World, is born! In Jesus' name, AMEN
Thank you God that you told this amazing news to the shepherds first, showing them that you thought they were important, even if other people didn't. Thank you that you also tell us that we are important, even if we don't feel like it sometimes. Thank you for the Good News about your rescue plan. This news is for everyone everywhere, which means it is good news for me too. Jesus, my rescuer, the Light of the World, is born! In Jesus' name, AMEN
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