The Rescuer will Come! (Prophesies from Isaiah)
Children's Sunday School | At-home Resources
November 28: Read or watch the story Operation “No More Tears!” | Jesus Storybook Bible | page 144
Talk about these questions:
Download the handout and the coloring page.
- What does your name mean?
- What did Isaiah's name mean?
- What secret did God tell to Isaiah?
- What do we learn about Jesus in this story?
Download the handout and the coloring page.
Let's Go Deeper! (for older kids)
This story or summary, comes from the writings and prophecies of Isaiah the prophet:
Isaiah 9, 11, 40, 50, 53, 55, 60
Explore these ideas as you read the passages from Isaiah:
Isaiah 9, 11, 40, 50, 53, 55, 60
Explore these ideas as you read the passages from Isaiah:
- Isaiah 9:1-7 - This is about the darkness and oppression that traps Israel. But God has a plan. Pay close attention to verses 6-7; they are talking about Jesus, when he comes give his life for us, and when he comes back as King.
- Isaiah 11- Jesse, as mentioned in this passage, was King David's father. The Branch refers to Jesus, the promised Messiah. This prophecy contains promises about when Jesus first came as a human; and it tells many things about his second coming. Can you separate the statements about the first coming of Jesus and the second coming ? Are there some things that really apply to both?
- Isaiah 40:1-11, 40:28-31 - Isaiah 40 begins by describing John the Baptist, calling for repentance in the wilderness. Then it talks about the struggle of humans to do what is right. And it announces that the King is coming.
- Isaiah 50:4-10 - The "Servant" of God is talking at the beginning. Then the people are challenged to listen to the Servant. Many who read this did not understand that Jesus was both the Servant and the King.
- Isaiah 53, 55, 60 - These chapters in Isaiah are part of a longer song or poem that is all about the promised Messiah and how God is going to save the World. But as most poetry, it uses metaphors and illustrations that can be hard to understand. Can you find a few metaphors in these chapters?

God's Secret Rescue Plan! Isaiah writes a letter from God.
- What did you learn about Jesus from these passages and the story?
- Pick one name or description of Jesus that you discovered from Isaiah.
Praying through this story
Thank you, God, for sharing your amazing rescue plan with Isaiah. Thank you that he wrote it down, so we could also hear it. Help us to learn and understand more about you from the descriptions in Isaiah's poem. Thank you that Jesus is the Prince of Peace and the King forever. In Jesus' name, AMEN
Thank you, God, for sharing your amazing rescue plan with Isaiah. Thank you that he wrote it down, so we could also hear it. Help us to learn and understand more about you from the descriptions in Isaiah's poem. Thank you that Jesus is the Prince of Peace and the King forever. In Jesus' name, AMEN
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