David & Goliath
Children's Sunday School | At-home Resources
November 21: Read or watch the story The Young Hero and the Horrible Giant | Jesus Storybook Bible | page 122
Talk about these questions:
Download the handout and coloring pages of David in Saul's armor and Goliath.
- Who was the biggest, strongest enemy of God's people?
- What did David use to defeat Goliath?
- What do we learn about Jesus in this story?
Download the handout and coloring pages of David in Saul's armor and Goliath.
Let's Go Deeper! (for older kids)
Read this story in the Bible: 1 Samuel 17
Then explore the ideas below...
Then explore the ideas below...

"The battle belongs to the Lord!"
David - 1 Samuel 17:47
- Who did God send to save them?
- Why was David so confident he could defeat Goliath?
- What weapons did David use to fight Goliath?
- What did David believe God was going to do?
Praying through this story
Thank you, God, for choosing David to fight Goliath, even though he was the youngest and smallest, and no one else thought he could do it. David trusted you and knew that you would win! Help me to learn to trust you like that. Thank you for sending Jesus to fight the biggest battle against sin & death!. In Jesus' name, AMEN
Thank you, God, for choosing David to fight Goliath, even though he was the youngest and smallest, and no one else thought he could do it. David trusted you and knew that you would win! Help me to learn to trust you like that. Thank you for sending Jesus to fight the biggest battle against sin & death!. In Jesus' name, AMEN
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