Moses & the Great Exit

Children's Sunday School | At-home Resources

October 31: Read or watch the story God to the Rescue! | Jesus Storybook Bible | page 84
Talk about these questions together:
  1. When God interrupted Moses at the burning bush, what did God ask Moses to do?
  2. How many times did God prove himself to Pharaoh (with plagues) before Pharaoh released God's people?  
  3. What did we learn about Jesus and God's plan in this story?

Complete the handout and coloring page.
Let's Go Deeper! (for older kids)
Read this story in the Bible: Exodus 3-13

Explore these questions:
  1. How did they Israelite people become slaves? What changed since Joseph's time?
  2. Why did God tell Moses to go to Pharaoh? What did God see and hear?
  3. What holiday do the Israelites celebrate to remember this great rescue from slavery?
This event, the Exit from Slavery (the Exodus), God's Huge Rescue Plan, was the most important story in Israel's history. They retell and celebrate this event every year at Passover to always remember God's faithfulness. Remembering when God did HUGE things to keep his promises helped them trust that God would keep his biggest promise ... to send the Greatest Rescuer who will set them free for all time.

Try one or both of these activities:
  • Write down a list of the good things that have happened to you (because every good thing is a gift from God). You can look at this list on bad days to remember that God is good, and you can trust him. 
  • Write down your prayer requests, and watch for God to answer them. Then write down the story of what God did.  God doesn't always do things the way we expect, but he always hears and answers our prayers.

Even in the hardest circumstances, God loves you with all his heart with a Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever LOVE!
Praying this story...
Thank you, God, that you always keep your promises. Thank you  for this incredible rescue from Egypt and slavery. Most importantly, that you for Jesus, the Great Rescuer, who saved the whole world from sin.  In Jesus' Name. AMEN

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