Joseph & his Brothers

Children's Sunday School | At-home Resources

October 24: Read or watch the story The Forgiving Prince | Jesus Storybook Bible | page 76

"You planned this to hurt me, 
but God planned it for good... so He could save many lives!"  

- Joseph (Genesis 50:20)

Talk about these together:
  1. How many brothers did Joseph have? Can you name them? (hint, look at the handout)
  2. What did Joseph dream about?  
  3. What did Joseph’s brothers do to Joseph?  
  4. What happened when Joseph’s brothers saw Joseph in Egypt?  
  5. Who is the other Prince that the Jesus Storybook Bible tells about?

Complete the handout and coloring page.
Let's Go Deeper! (for older kids)
Read this story in the Bible: Genesis 37-46

Explore these questions:
  1. What did Joseph say was the meaning of Pharaoh’s dream?  
  2. What did Pharaoh do? What did Joseph do? 
  3. How did God turn the bad things and into something good? Have you ever seen God do this? 
  4. What did you learn about Jesus in this story?

Joseph had a very hard life after he was sold to slavery in Egypt. He worked diligently as a slave for many years and blessed his master. But then he was falsely accused of abusing someone, and went to jail. Even in prison, he worked hard to help the jailer and other prisoners, but they forgot about him.  

"God works all things together for good ..."

Romans 8:28

Sometimes hard and bad things happen in our lives. They may happen because other people to wrong things, but sometimes we can't understand why they happen! But God has promised us that he will always bring good things out of the bad things that happen, even if we can't see it at the time.

Joseph learned two very important lessons about God in these situations:
  • No matter what happens, God WILL use it for good!
  • God's good plans CANNOT, and will not, be messed up by anything. Not bad things that people do, or bad situations that happen!
Praying this story...
Thank you, God, that you always keep your promises. Thank you that you are always with me, even in bad and hard situations. Thank you for your promise to use even the hard things in my life for Your good. Help me to trust you more!  In Jesus' Name. AMEN

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