Confirmation: The Lord's Table
Confirmation class: Session 6
We have reached our final time together as a confirmation class. We are working on future opportunities to continue to learn together.

At Home This Week:
Read through Luke chapters 22, 23, and 24 – at least two times.
Read through Luke chapters 22, 23, and 24 – at least two times.
In review...
Week 5 - What it means to share fellowship with one another as the body of Christ!
Week 5 - What it means to share fellowship with one another as the body of Christ!
- Gifts of the Spirit, using ours, noticing gifts in others (pages 82-83)
- 1 Cor 12:12-28 Spiritual gifts are essential in the church (page 84)
- Creating interdependence on one another (page 85)
- Builders and Destroyers (page 86-87)

This week we will be making bread and
celebrating Communion together.
Service Project: As a class, we want to do a service project together. The students have heard of many options, and they can suggest their own idea. The students will choose something they are interested in doing. We will be choosing our project this week.
These students have a great opportunity to work together, support the church and feel a part of more areas of church life. We are inviting our youth to join some upcoming activities: the all-church clean up (Mar 27) and as part of the set up crew for the Easter egg hunt (Apr 3).
Please contact anyone on the teaching team if you have questions!
Christy, Cassie, Shari, Chuck
These students have a great opportunity to work together, support the church and feel a part of more areas of church life. We are inviting our youth to join some upcoming activities: the all-church clean up (Mar 27) and as part of the set up crew for the Easter egg hunt (Apr 3).
Please contact anyone on the teaching team if you have questions!
Christy, Cassie, Shari, Chuck
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