Who is your Savior?
Youth Confirmation | Session 3
Last week on our zoom meeting, we had a great time sharing things that we are looking forward to. The BIG Journal student workbooks also arrived last week. They are so great! Below are some ideas for reviewing our previous sessions in your books.
This coming Sunday our class will meet online again. Check your email for details.
This coming Sunday our class will meet online again. Check your email for details.

Human sin breaks our relationships with God, neighbors, and ourselves. Salvation is God’s loving and gracious act of forgiving our sin and restoring right relationships. Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection from the dead establishes salvation for, and reconciliation with the world God loves.
Salvation is the act of grace accomplished for us through the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because of Christ, we are invited to be reconciled with God, forgiven of our sins, and freed to live for the sake of the world God loves.
Ephesians 2:1-10 - You are saved by grace through faith. (See Journal page 44).
- Why does Paul tell readers there were dead? (see vs 1-3)
- What kind of death is Paul talking about?
- How does God change people in Christ, and why? (see vs 4-7)
- What do humans need to do to receive God’s saving love? (see vs 8-10)
- Based on these verses, what do you think grace means?
- If our good works cannot save us, why do them?

Stories of Salvation in the Bible
Exodus 3:1
Luke 19:1-10
More stories – 2 Kings 5:1-15, Mark 2:1-12, Matthew 18:21-35, Luke 15:11-32
Christians are people saved by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ who follow in Jesus’s footsteps. See pages 47 and 53
Exodus 3:1
- What did Moses and the Hebrew people need to be saved [freed] from?
- In what ways is this a story of salvation?
- What does this story tell us about the heart of God?
Luke 19:1-10
- What did Zacchaeus need to be saved [freed] from?
- In what ways is this a story of salvation?
- What does this story tell us about the heart of God?
More stories – 2 Kings 5:1-15, Mark 2:1-12, Matthew 18:21-35, Luke 15:11-32
Christians are people saved by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ who follow in Jesus’s footsteps. See pages 47 and 53
The student Big Journals have finally arrived. We are very pleased with this resource to support you as you study the foundations of the faith. There is much more to explore. The more you work through the journal, the more you will learn in our time together.

Here are some suggested review pages from the first 3 sessions.
- Covenant: Review page 2 & take notes on page 3.
- Your experience of church: fill out pages 6 - 7. Take the time to look back on where you have been and what God has done.
- When you see a postcard, use it to summarize your thoughts and beliefs from each section.
- God's faithfulness! Pages 10-19 step through the Old Testament story showing God's faithfulness. Look especially at the interview on page 14; talk with your pen pal, a parent or grandparent, a Sunday school teacher, etc.
- Turning around! Pages 20-29 talk about the brokenness in our world and in our own actions. Think about what turning points have happened in your own life. Remember, to repent is to turn around, turn away from something, turning toward God and his goodness.
- Love God, Love Neighbors! How can we as a team take action in our community? Why is it important to love our neighbors? Remember Matthew 22:34-40 – Jesus’ summary of the law.
@home activity: Play Strong Community Bingo.- What might make a community stronger?
- In what ways might we help create stronger communities by loving our neighbors?
- Make a list of ways we might love our neighbors; think about a service project we might do together.
Journal Prompt from last week:- What does it mean to you that Jesus Christ is Lord?
- What questions does Jesus’ claim of Lordship raise for you?
What does it mean to you that Jesus Christ is Lord?
What questions does Jesus’ claim of Lordship raise for you?
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