What is Confirmation?
Youth Confirmation | Session 1
We had a great time together this week exploring the biblical concept of covenant loyalty and how it shapes our understanding of our relationship to God and one another. Because God has been loyal and faithful to us, we are called to be loyal and faithful to God. Confirmation calls us to make specific promises to God, ourselves, and the church.
Read: Joshua 24:1–3, 13–15, 23–25.
Here we watch Joshua, the new leader in Israel, guiding the people in the act of confirmation -- reviewing their covenant with God and confirming their loyalty to God.
Read: Joshua 24:1–3, 13–15, 23–25.
Here we watch Joshua, the new leader in Israel, guiding the people in the act of confirmation -- reviewing their covenant with God and confirming their loyalty to God.

The Lord made a covenant with Abraham...
"Through you all nations on earth will be blessed."
Genesis 12:3
How Do We Know and Trust God?
When God calls us to covenant loyalty, God calls us to trust. When we understand how God has acted in the past and promises to act today and tomorrow, we can trust in God’s promises even in the face of uncertainty.
Read: Psalm 105:1–41, 42-45; Hebrews 11:1–38
When God calls us to covenant loyalty, God calls us to trust. When we understand how God has acted in the past and promises to act today and tomorrow, we can trust in God’s promises even in the face of uncertainty.
Read: Psalm 105:1–41, 42-45; Hebrews 11:1–38

Jesus said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood."
Luke 22:20
Apostle’s Creed: I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.
Journal prompt: What has God done in your life?
Journal prompt: What has God done in your life?
@home activity: Watch “What is the Bible” by the Bible Project. (see above)
Identify a favorite Bible passage, a Bible story that is meaningful to you, or something in the video that you like. Make a note about it so you can share next week.
Identify a favorite Bible passage, a Bible story that is meaningful to you, or something in the video that you like. Make a note about it so you can share next week.
We are praying for you, as you spend time reading God's word and thinking about what God has done in your life! May you know God's love more deeply this week!
Confirmation Leaders: Shari Monson, Cassie Miller, Chuck Tichenor and Christy Sumner
Confirmation Leaders: Shari Monson, Cassie Miller, Chuck Tichenor and Christy Sumner
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