Joshua & the City of Jericho

Children's Sunday School | At-home Resources

February 21: Read or watch the story The Warrior Leader | Jesus Storybook Bible | page 108
Talk about these questions:
  • Who was the new leader in Israel after Moses?
  • How long were the Israelites wandering in the desert?
  • What did God tell the them to do when they reached Jericho?
  • If God told you to make as much noise as you could, would you use your own voice (like shouting, or megaphone)? or would you use an tool (like a horn, drums or banging pans together, etc.)?

Download the handout and coloring pages: Jericho and the wall falling.

Let's Go Deeper! (for older kids)

Read this story in the Bible: Joshua 3,5-6

Explore these ideas:
  • Imagine what it was like to walk around Jericho once each day for 6 days, and seven times on the 7th day, in total silence. Or maybe you would want to be one of the priests who had to play their trumpets the entire time while walking. Describe what you would imagine; describe each of your senses; how would you feel?  
  • Do you think it was hard for them to obey God's very strange battle plan?
  • Is it hard for you sometimes to do the right thing and follow God's instructions in the Bible? 
  • Read Matthew 5:38-47. What are some of the instructions Jesus gave us that are strange and hard to obey?

“Shout! The Lord has given you the city!"

  • What does this story tell us about God?
  • What did you learn about Jesus?

This story told us the meaning of Joshua's name: the Lord Saves. Even Joshua's name told the story of God's rescue plan.
Did you know that the name 'Jesus' has the same meaning as 'Joshua'? Jesus' name means the Lord Saves. 'Jesus' is the Greek version of the Hebrew name 'Joshua'.
Praying this story...
Thank you, God, that you have given us this story about Joshua and Jericho in order to show us your BIG actions you use to save your people. Thank you for the BIG actions you used in Jesus to save me.  Help me to always trust you, and to remember your forever-love!  In Jesus' Name. AMEN

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