The Story & the Song

At-home Resources for Kids

September 19: The Story and the Song  (Jesus Storybook Bible,  page 12)
Talk about these questions:
  • The Bible has some rules in it that show us a better way to live, and it tells some stories about heroes and heroins. But what is the Bible really about? Whose story does it tell?
  • Why did God give us the Bible?
  • What do you learn about Jesus from this story?
Going Deeper with Older Kids...
Read in the Bible: Psalm 19 and Hebrews 1
  • Psalm 19 is a beautiful poem describing how nature tells about the greatness of God.   What is your favorite verse or sentence? Why?
  • Should you and I read the Bible ourselves? Or is this just for Pastors and Teachers?
Praying the story...
God, thank you for giving us the Bible and for telling us about who you are and how much you love us. As we read the Bible together this year, help us to learn about Jesus and all that he has done for me. Thank you that you love me, and that you are always with me. In Jesus Name, AMEN
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