Abraham & Isaac

Children's Sunday School | At-home Resources

January 10: Read or watch the story The Present | Jesus Storybook Bible | page 62
Talk about these questions together:
  1. Why was Abraham willing to give God his only son, who he loved so much?
  2. What did God provide for the sacrifice?
  3. What did you learn about Jesus in this story?

Print and complete the handout.

Let's Go Deeper! (for older kids)
Read the story in the Bible: Genesis 22

Talk about these questions:
  1. What is something you love very much? 
  2. How would you feel if you had to give it away?
This story is not about God wanting Isaac to die. It is about God keeping his promises! God promised Abraham a son! God had keep that promise even though it was impossible. God also promised Abraham a family greater than the stars in the sky, and his family would bless the whole world. 

Abraham knew that God would keep his promises! Abraham knew that God did a miracle to give him Isaac. God could do another miracle if he wanted. Abraham did not know how, but he knew somehow God would keep his promises. And so, Abraham obeyed God's strange request. 

God is telling us something about himself in this story! Let's explore this further.
  1. How did God provide for the sacrifice, instead of Isaac?
  2. What part of God's plan did he show us in this story? 
  3. How is this story like Jesus' story?
How do we know that we can trust God? 
God always keeps his promises! We can trust this truth about God; it is who he is.
Think about times when God has answered your prayers. We can trust him to do it again.
Look in the Bible to see what promises he has made to you! God will keep these, too!
  • I am always with you! I will never leave you! - God says this more than 10 times to his people through the prophets. And Jesus repeated this promise to us in Matthew 28:20.
  • I will wipe away all your tears! - God promised to bring peace and healing to the whole world. Jesus will return to earth and make all the bad things right again. Isaiah 25:6-8.
  • Can you think of more promises in the Bible? Psalm 23; John 3:16
Praying this story...
Thank you, God, for keeping your promise to rescue me. Thank you for sending Jesus as the great Rescuer. Help me to love you more than anything. And teach me to trust you like Abraham did.  In Jesus' name, AMEN

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